I help you develop your business. Either by coaching or training, or by actually taking charge and work things out together with you. With an extensive experience in a bunch of different industries I can help you grow and develop new markets and new business. Turning goals into actions, and strategizing your market approach there are no excuses for not reaching your goals.
Practice makes perfect. Don't try to invent the wheel a umptied time. Let's organize a (gamified) workshop that fits your needs. I am able to understand your business in a minimum amount of time. This allows me to create workshops with exercises that make sense to your (technical) people. We won't be selling pens to each other! A bunch of topics can be addressed. Keep in mind that we're going to create a relaxed setting, where creativity can emerge. So we won't be doing this in a meeting type of setting. When was the last time you got a really bright idea at a meeting table? Or sitting behind your desk and laptop?
Oh yes, there will also be craft beer and craft cider (alcoholic and non alcoholic) involved.
Some topics for you to choose from:
Solution selling is different than selling a box of screws. Don't panic if you can't do both. It's a skill. Not a genetic advantage.
Growing your business is a tricky thing to do. It costs money. Well since we've realized that: what's the best strategy in your case? We're not going to read the books all these MBA manager types read all the time. Nono. Common sense and a good plan will get you much further. Hannibal Smith style, you kow?
Communication is very important. Getting your message across is harder than you think. We'll play some games and practice. Soon you'll be writing best sellers.
Negotiating. It's psychology combined with math. Scared now? Don't be, you only need to keep 3 things in mind. We'll play a game, and you'll understand the dynamics. Once you do. Life will never be the same again. You'll rock the kazbah.
Project management. It's nice to be in control. It prevents you from crashing. Projects that are not well managed can crash, sink, explode. It's not fun, frustrating and very costly. The hardest part is the very beginning. Yes, it's about thinking and common sense. PS You should've paid attention in kindergarten school. It's cheaper than Prince 2.
Arrogante Hollanders en konkelfoezende Belgen. Het is me wat. De grens tussen noord en zuid Europa loopt langs de grens tussen de noordelijke en zuidelijke Nederlanden. Ik maak jullie wegwijs en bied jullie handvaten én achteraf zal iedereen zich NOG beter voelen.
Not sure about certain things? Lacking sales, sales management and strategizing or negotiating skills in your organisation. Fear not. I can help you.
We can collaborate in various ways. Through a series of meetings tackling an issue or executing a defined project. Through scheduled meetings dealing with a number of issues you're facing.
Managing a project, helping you strategize, getting you in touch with the right people, getting your story and communication right. Don't worry about the industry you're in. The main principles work for various industries.
Practice makes perfect. But why do it all by yourself and reinvent the wheel? I'll guide you guys each step of the way in a comprehensive and logical way. Sales, leadership, people management, soft skills, collaboration, negotiating, ... are all skills, not genetic characteristics. They can be trained.
Are you getting your message across? Is your communication in line with your strategy?